Warrior Educator

Classification: Part-time and full-time positions available CONUS and OCONUS

Reports to: Dean of Experiential Education

Salary: $25 - $100 / hr DOE and hazards of AO

Location: Downrange

Jet fuel, diesel, and burnt coffee get your heart rate going. Warriors who practice medicine on and off the battlefield are extremely unique individuals. Those who possess the ability to educate effectively are even rarer - that is what we specialize in. #teamBPM is seeking a select few battle-hardened, clinically sharp, thoughtful educators committed to preparing the current and next-generation American warfighters to make decisions that will improve and save lives.

About you and the role

You’ve been around a bit. The unique combination of combat deployments and serious high volume 911 paramedic level experience as a civilian. You’ve seen some shit, and you aren’t telling stories, bragging or pulling out challenge coins... You were lucky enough to be mentored thru and out of that phase. The science of medicine intrigues you, you’re known for going the extra mile to understand the pathophysiology, kinematics, and etiology of death, disease, and trauma. It’s time to download your impressive resume and maturity to prepare the warfighter of tomorrow, you want to give them a better chance than you were given.

What you will do

  • Lead, manage and create accountability for small teams of high-time educators delivering education and preparedness training for high-risk patient encounters.
  • Coordinate with DOD and other governmental contacts and resources during the contracting phase to secure key education relationships to deliver meaningful experiential education.
  • Develop and deliver hyper-realistic learning evolutions to warriors in unconventional locations and settings using the latest technologies and pedagogical approaches.
  • Navigate in close collaboration with the development team responses to solicitations for education services and needs around the globe.

In the first three months, you will

  • Deploy to multiple CONUS and OCONUS sites for the purpose of delivering high-value, low friction experiential-based clinical education.
  • Complete the first third of the BPM warrior experiential educator apprenticeship program.
  • Assist in the successful response to at least two contract responses with existing partners in the DOD.
  • Organize multiple introductions and networking opportunities to familiarize the warrior community with the unique and extensive capabilities of Best Practice medicine.

Top Candidates

  • 20 years of combat medical experience
  • 15 years of civilian high-volume 911 paramedic experience
  • 10 healthcare education experience
  • Proven ability to reach learners from diverse backgrounds

Minimum Qualifications

  • 10 years of combat medical experience
  • 10 years high volume civilian 911 paramedic experience
  • 5-year healthcare education experience
  • Proven ability to connect with learners of different aptitudes

Full-Time Employee Benefits

  • Medical insurance paid by BPM
  • Dental and vision insurance are available
  • Unlimited paid time off
  • Paid Federal Holidays
  • Retirement fund match
  • Cell phone stipend
  • Access to company gym and raft

Affect the care of Millions

Experiential Education

Where we; Prepare teams for high-consequence patient encounters

Travel Paramedic Staffing

Where we; Recruit, educate, and place high-value, low-friction travel paramedics temporarily to EMS, Fire, Air Medical, Hospital, and other healthcare settings filling essential roles.

Disaster Response

Where we; Generate EMS-based resources on ultra short timelines in response to large-scale disasters and emergencies nationwide.


Help clinicians make decisions that improve and save lives.

Where we are going

We have a plan. By the year 2032:

  • We will affect the care of 40 million patients a year
  • We will reduce preventable medical error by 75%, as measured by the IOM
  • We will supply travel paramedics in every state and five other countries
  • We will be ranked number one business to work for in America by Forbes
  • We will generate annual revenue of 1 Billion

Our Core Values

Best Practice Medicine hires fires, rewards, disciplines, and promotes our core values. They are what we practice every day. You, at your core, will resonate with these values and display them as a team member from your very first day!


The science of positivity is irrefutable. We cultivate and are responsible for positive energy and attitudes with fun, never take ourselves too seriously, and we notice the good, especially when it’s scarce.

Learner and Learning First

We are relentlessly putting the act of learning first for ourselves, our team, and our clients and their learners.

Can-Do Fighting Spirit

We specialize in the challenging, the difficult, and the impossible. We are problem solvers, trailblazers, inventors, innovators, and envelope pushers. Our constant curiosity pushes us to ask questions and keep going until the job is done.

Radical Support

We believe the purest form of compassion and kindness is support. We are more than helpful—we are radically supportive. When we recognize a member of our team that our learners and clients need help, we rush to their sides and do not leave until the work is done. We sacrifice for others.

Fanatical Attention to Detail

We make the complex simple by focusing on thoroughness, consistency, and the little things.